10 Super Hilarious ‘Karishma Tanna’ Jokes, Facebook Status, WhatsApp Messages


karishma tanna jokes

Here we present the 10 Super Hilarious ‘Karishma Tanna’ Jokes, Facebook Status, WhatsApp Messages

  1. Karishma Tanna has been nominated for The Alia Bhatt award. I think she deserves to win it
  2. Alia bhatt is very talented than karishma tanna…she is very good in maths…#yotannaissodumb #bb8
  3. Alia Bhatt seems like a rocket scientist compared to Karishma Tanna.. #BB8
  4. ‏Alia bhatt just sent a friend request to Karishma tanna
  5. Meanwhile alia bhatt is organising for a party…alia: Finally!!! they found someone dumber than me
  6. ‏Dear Karishma, I don’t know about #BiggBoss but u could easily beat Alia Bhatt in the game of #BiggestDumboEver
  7. @aliaa08 replacement found , Miss Karishma Tanna !! Dumbest girl ever ! #BB8
  8. Salman Khan: Who is the president of India? Karishma Tanna: Narendra Modi. Alia Bhatt: Haha.. Saali Alia Bhatt kahin k
  9. #BigBoss8 karishma says our president is narendra modi @aliaa08 congrats yu gotta competition
  10. Mujhe Pimples aa rhe h Mujhe gautam Ka Disqualification Chahiye ~Karishma Tanna

karishma tanna


(P.S. The information provided here is derived from various websites. We do not support or endorse the same)



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