10 Super Important necessities for a Mumbai chi Mulgi!



1. Sunscreen

A sunscreen is the most in this weather. When the temperature is hitting 42 degree you just can’t step out of your place without one. Make sure the SPF is 30. Indian skin requires 26 but  we always apply in less quantity so being on a safer side to get saved from tanning

2. Wet wipes

If you are one of them who hates the humidity in the air of our city this is a savior for you. The refreshing wipes leaves you and your mood in a fresh mood and makes your skin feel lighter and better and of course not to forget the fragrance

3. Deodorants

A small bottle of deodorant is always helpful. If you come across someone in the local train who looks and smells like he/she is the only hard working person. A splash from the bottle is a blessing.

4. A fully filled Water bottle

Nothing can replace water. Believe me! Neither any lemon drink nor any other aerated drink works. Make sure your bottle of water is refilled on timely basis. Though you can easily get a bisleri but, packaged water just doesn’t works for me

5. Sun Glasses

Any tom dick and harry thinks he is Salman Khan of DABANNG when they put up their Aviator’s. That’s how it works and it gives you a celebrity feeling whether it saves you from scorching sun light or no is an another point. So grab one ;p

6. Handkerchief

This is a notice to all the ladies and the gentleman. We know you people work too hard to earn every single penny but we don’t like to see those drops on your forehead. It’s not a pleasant sight. It’s just not.

7. Scarf

If you want to look same in all your pictures throughout the year this is one of the things you need.

8. Lip Balm

I know that is too girly for a boy but trust me guys Vaseline always works in any season. It is just not made for winters. Your lips need special protection. So the next time you be kiss ready 😉

9. Kohl

A Good branded kohl liner always works in any season. Invest your money in a waterproof and smudge proof kohl so you remain fresh throughout the day

10. Face wash

It’s okay if you don’t carry any of the above material but please , please carry a face wash with you always. Nothing great about it but everything else just makes the bag heavier.


  That’s it for the list. You can add up and let me know so that I can be safe and beautiful throughout.

– Freny Sachde.




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namrata desai


  1. Really above list works alot bcz in this weather we really need to be sweat free. Nd those wet wipes help alot. The best is to drink water in this season
    just lovethis post.

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