10 Superb Awesome Facts About ‘Rakhee Kapoor Tandon’ You Ought To Know


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All those who were wondering about the cute girl in blue who just smiled once at the camera and won all the hearts at Mumbai-Chennai final match held at Eden Gardens, here is some interesting news for you. That girl who single handedly stole all the male hearts by her appearance at the presentation party is none other than Rakhee Kapoor Tandon. She became an overnight Internet sensation and everyone started tweeting, updating on Facebook and googling about her.

So, here we present to you the 10 superb awesome facts about ‘Rakhee Kapoor Tandon’:

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 1) Rakhee Kapoor Tandon is the daughter of Rana Kapoor, CEO and Founder of YES Bank.

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2) Rakhee holds a MBA degree from The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.

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3) Rakhee has worked as an Investment Banker with JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs in the US and as an Intern and Business Manager of YES Bank.

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4) She currently owns a business firm, Rural Agri Ventures Pvt. Ltd. And is also a promoter and Executive Director of Raas Housing Finance.

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5) She is one of the top 25 most influential women in India, as per India Today magazine.

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6) She is married to Alkesh Tandon, a Delhi based businessman who is a relative of business tycoon Lakshmi Mittal.

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7) Rakhee loves playing basketball and squash.

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8) She loves Indian food and is extremely close to her sister Radha.

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9) While working at Yes Bank, she has played a major role in shifting the bank’s focus beyond corporate finance to the retail sector and small and medium enterprises.

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10) Rakhee follows latest trends from fashion capitals like London, Paris and New York.


Here is the video of Rakhee Kapoor Tandon alongwith her father Rana Kapoor, who elaborates on her preparation to take up the responsibilities at YES Bank:


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