10 Superb #CaptainCool Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter



1) One of the brilliant innings 91* in WC by #CaptainCool Loved it. The most loved and the most hated yet no. 1 #CaptainCool

2) Adam gilchrist says” dhoni is not only second gilchrist,but he is first dhoni too” !!f

3) Dhoni is not the best caption of team india but he the best caption of world ever seen!!aa

 4) #CaptainCool All time favorite batsman Captain & player @msdhoni

5) worldcup got chilled.. oppenent eleven were frozen to edge… our Thala broken their hearts with a single cool shot. #CaptainCool

6) most hated n most loved most successful most criticized still no.1

7) I cast my vote to the winning six in 2011 World cup final. Win after 28 yrs, dhoni the best captain.

 8)  good and great captain mahindra singh dhoni your contribution to indian cricket is unforgettable.
 9)  : MSD’s world cup innings was the best possible under pressure innings i have seen.

 10)  I think for any world cup moment, six by dhoni in 2011 is greatest.. ever..
(Disclaimer : The above messages are taken from Twitter and we do not endorse / support the above opinions)


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