10 Superb Quotes of ‘Abdul Kalam’ For WhatsApp, Facebook



  1. Difficulties in your life do not come to destroy you, but to help you realize your hidden potential and power, let difficulties know that you too are difficult.
  2. All birds find shelter during a rain. But Eagles avoid rain by flying above the clouds. Problems are common, but attitude make the difference.
  3. Failure will never overtake me if my definition to succeed is strong enough.
  4. Thinking is the capital, Enterprise is the way, and Hard Work is the solution.
  5. Suffering is the essence of success!
  6. Confidence and Hard work is the best medicine to kill the disease called failure. It will make you successful person.
  7. Climbing to the top demands strength, whether it is to the top of Mount Everest or to the top of your career.
  8. You cannot change your future, but you can change your habits, and surely your habits will change your future.
  9. We should not give up and we should not allow the problems defeat us.
  10. Do we not realize that self respect comes with self reliance?

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