10 Superb #SachinOnFlipkart Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter



  1. #kindle could not break the charm of reading the actual printed book #SachinOnFlipkart


  1. U’ve 2waste 670 bucks 2 know how Sachin realised Sathya Sai Baba is d avatar of God n when bibhuti emanated from his bat #SachinOnFlipkart


  1. Great Business idea for the people waiting for Achhe Din!! #CheatingCleanIndia #ModiInVaranasi #SachinOnFlipkart


  1. Send one copy to maria sharapova  #SachinOnFlipkart


  1. After spending decades on ESPN/Star Sports, we now have #SachinOnFlipkart. #TheNaughtyIndia salutes the God of Cricket!


  1. I was about to read 195th page of sachin’s book but dravid called me. #declared #SachinOnFlipkart


  1. Just ordered Playing It My Way : My Autobiography from @flipkart #SachinOnFlipkart


  1. Sachin fans be like Salman fans. We may not read the book, but lets buy it anyway #SachinOnFlipkart


  1. Is it true that Sachin’s biography has been put under the ‘Religious and spiritual’ section? #SachinOnFlipkart


10. #SachinOnFlipkart I got to meet Sachin yesterday in canary wharf, London. Both Anjali and Sachin were here to promote their book. Sachiiin..


(P.S. The above tweets / status are taken from Twitter and it is posted here only for information purpose. We neither endorse nor support the same)

 #SachinOnFlipkart 1 #SachinOnFlipkart 2


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