10 Superb Tweets, Status on ‘Vishy’ Trending at Twitter


viswanathan anand 1

  1. Really relieved to see Vishy Anand hold on despite Carlsen’s bulldozing tactics. He is still in with a fight. #NeverGiveUp
  2. The funny thing is that, again, it is hard to say what Vishy has done wrong. The tiniest imprecision here and there only.
  3. Easy win for Vishy Terrible prep by Carlsen. No matter how well you play, can’t expect good results when lost after the opening.
  4. My high school’s motto was ‘Never give in.’ If a picture’s worth a thousand words,they just need to replace that with a pic of Vishy Anand!
  5. Superb news… Vishwanathan Anand beats Carlson in third game. Yay.. buck up Vishy..u still have it in you.
  6. Nobody gave Vishy a chance after he lost yday’s match. And that’s how champions respond back in style! #AnandCarlsen @TaniaSachdev
  7. Vishy convincingly beats Magnus.A big big psychological break through! Amazing comeback By the Indian legend. @GirinGovind @saleelpu
  8. Vishy levels 1.5-1.5 ! 1st win v Magnus in nearly 4 years excellent prep he made light of over the board problems bravo #anandcarlsen2014
  9. Vishy surely knows he is winning, Vishy not surely knows how… #CarlsenAnand
  10. Yes, Magnus is a monster, but we may still have a match on our hands if Vishy manages to start playing like Vishy. #CarlsenAnand

 viswanathan anand


(P.S. The above messages are taken from Twitter and posted here only for information purpose. We neither endorse nor support the above tweets / status)





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