10 Superb ‘Waiting For BABY Trailer’ Tweets, Status Trending On Twitter


Waiting For BABY Trailer

1) There is no ‘Impossible’ word in dictionary of Akkians 😉 This trend => Waiting For BABY Trailer proves this

2) On 5th Waiting For BABY Trailer in india and it is trending from 40 hours

3) How does manage so many flms so fast? after exhibitors are for BABY Trailer waise Baby kaisa title hain?

4) Paper wala is Waiting For BABY Trailer

5) “Waiting For BABY Trailer” kya baat he akkians 3 din hone waala he lge rho thoko tweets

6) Kareena kapoor khan is Waiting For BABY Trailer

7) I m very excited for Sid Anand’s next with Sir Hope it will be the best action movie of Bollywood 😉 Waiting For BABY Trailer

8) 2015 will b a busy year for Akki sir nd us Release Baby Gabbar SIB Brothers Shooting SIB Airlift Sids next H3 Waiting for Baby Trailer

9) Akshay sir is DIA in Holiday & CIA in Baby. Both movie is against terrorism. Waiting For BABY Trailer

10) Lets make a world record now . . For longest trend in world Waiting For BABY Trailer


(Disclaimer : The above messages are taken from social media websites. We do not endorse/ support the above opinions) 


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