10 Superb #WorldToiletDay Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter


world toilet day

1) The average person visits the toilet 2,500 time a year,which equals 3 years of your life on the loo!

2) To force slumdwellers to either do open defecation or use stinky and mucky community toilets is a form of ATROCITY

3) Carolyn Jones from talks the clear benefits for business to support universal access to sanitation

4) In rural Pakistan 50% of girls leave school before Grade 4 due to a lack of facilities.
5) What’s a toilet worth? A lot – says Carolyn Jones of
6) Today is . Did you know 2.5 billion people – 36% of the world’s population – don’t have access to a clean and safe toilet?
7) This , raise your voice and shout out what in your opinion should be discarded in India. Tweet

8) Today is . Our Team in Ghana have built 4 toilets, improving sanitation and school attendance!

9) Without access to private toilets, women & girls are often at risk of sexual harassment & rape.
10)  Today is , a day to raise awareness about all people who do not have access to a toilet.

(Disclaimer : The information provided here is derived from various other websites. We neither endorse nor support the same)


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