10 Surprising Facts About Life In Nunavut



1) There are no roads that connects the 25 communities with each other in Nunavut. The only way to reach communities is by boat. 

2) Iqaluit is the largest populated territory in the capital city of Nunavut with 7,000 people living in the city.

3) You just need to have $6 which is the only price to go the museum, legislative assembly, visitor’s centre, hotels etc. to go by taxi.

4) Nunavut doesn’t have a municipal recycling program. Residents take bottles and stacks of people with them to recycle down south.

5) Nunavut has grocery stores in each community but prices are quite high. 2 litre of milk costs upto $13.

6) In communities with piped service, household water is capped off at 225 litres per person per day.

7) Trucks roam the streets each day, stop at houses to fill up their water tanks in Iqaluit.

8) Households keep their red light on if the water tanks are full giving sign to the drivers.

9) The annual oil tanker arrives in the summer and houses are heated with oil during dark winter months.

10) Nunavut people in each community have their own style of square dancing. 

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