10 Surprising Facts of ‘The Berlin Wall’ That You Probably Don’t Know


Berlin Wall  (10)

1) The Berlin Wall was constructed by the German Democratic Republic (GDR, East Germany) that existed from 1961 – 1989.

Berlin Wall  (9)

2) The Berlin Wall was officially referred to as the “Anti-Fascist Protection Rampart” by the GDR authorities which implied NATO countries were fascists.

Berlin Wall  (8)

3) During the period of 1961-1989, more than 5000 people tried to escape over the Berlin Wall, with an estimated death of around 200 people in and around Berlin.

Berlin Wall  (7)

4) On 9th November 1989, the East German Government announced that all GDR citizens could visit West Germany and West Berlin.

Berlin Wall  (6)

5) The Berlin Wall was more than 140 kms and was built of 100 m farther into East German territory.

Berlin Wall  (5)

6) During its existence, the Berlin Wall had evolved through 4 versions which were – Wire Fence (1961), Improved Wire Fence (1962-1965), Concrete Wall (1965-1975) and Grenzmauer 75 (Border Wall 75) (1975-1989).

Berlin Wall  (4)

7) The final and most sophisticated version of the Berlin Wall was known as the “Fourth-generation wall” / “Stützwandelement UL 12.11“.

Berlin Wall  (3)

8) In 1989, Leonard Bernstein performed a concert in Berlin celebrating the end of the Wall with the orchestra and choir drawn from both East and West Germany, UK, France, US.


9) Berlin celebrates the Fall of the Berlin Wall on 9th November every year since 2009. The day is celebrated as the festival of freedom.

Children play on the Berlin Wall

10) In 2009, A Berlin Twitter Wall was set up to allow Twitter users to post messages commemorating the 20th anniversary which was later shut by the Chinese Government due to anti-messages protest by users.






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