As the founder of India’s largest private firm and second largest publicly traded company in the country, Reliance Industries, Dhirubhai Ambani had undoubtedly made enormous capital in his lifetime. But did you know that he started his journey with only Re 1 and while he has created wealth, it is not just for him but equally for his thousands of shareholders. Here are his few quotes explained for BMS students to apply in their life.
If you don’t build your dream, someone else will hire you to help them build theirs.
BMS students need to set a goal and dream big. You must never set small goals in life. You should always aim higher in life and work hard to achieve these goals.
Think big, think fast, think ahead. Ideas are no one’s monopoly.
BMS students need to think and plan ahead. You need to be well versed with your ideas and goals. You have the freedom and right to express your ideas to your teachers and fellow students and you can achieve them by proper planning and thinking.
If you’re born poor it’s not your fault but if you die poor it’s your fault.
If you are a BMS student, you must be able to make best out of a worst situation. You need to be prepared for the worst out-come and strengthen yourself. It doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor. You need to work hard irrespective of your financial status if you want to attain success.
Our dreams have to be bigger. Our ambitions higher. Our commitment deeper. And our efforts greater.
BMS students must set a high goal and must make a commitment to achieve this goal. You cannot just expect that goal to be fulfilled without any efforts.
Pursue your goals even in the face of difficulties, and convert adversities into opportunities.
A BMS student must not back down just because there are some difficulties in life. You need to face them with confidence and learn from your failures. You can use them as an advantage and make yourself stronger.
Meeting the deadlines is not good enough, beating the deadlines is my expectation.
A BMS student is expected to excel in his work and not complete his work just for the sake of it. You have to compromise and work hard to beat deadlines and stay ahead of time.
Only when you dream it you can do it.
BMS students must not refrain from dreaming big. You should aim high and if you will work hard, you will definitely achieve it.
Challenge negative forces with hope, self-confidence and conviction. I believe that ambition and initiative will ultimately triumph.
You should have confidence in yourself. Only then others will believe in you and invest in you. BMS teaches you how to gain self-confidence and you must use this to gain more strength.
If you work with determination and with perfection, success will follow.
Perfection and determination is very important to achieve success for a BMS student. You must not get distracted from your goals and you should make sure your project is perfect.
True entrepreneurship comes only from risk-taking.
Risk is very crucial in any business. As a BMS student, you must learn and read about how risks are taken and insured. And how to over-come loss from risk.
These inspirational quotes will help you know more about the success and failures of a business and it will help you be prepared to face the business world with confidence.
By Rhea Shetty.