10 Things That Set Entrepreneurs Apart From the 9-to-5 Crowd


There is a huge difference between the 9-to-5 crowd(office employees) and entrepreneurs. But entrepreneur’s role isn’t the easiest to play. It is a journey out of blue with lots of hurdles and roadblocks. There are only few people who make it to the top as it also takes a great deal than just pre-determined skill set list. Here are the 10 things that entrepreneur’s are different from the conventional 9-to-5 crowd:

1-Visualize success.

visualize_success1Entrepreneurs have the ability to visualize clearly the goals and core-values of the business. They can achieve success because the their high degree of determination and focus. Having great passion for their business, they naturally believe that anything is possible.

2- Understands self-worth.


An entrepreneur always believes that he is the best resource for his startup. Therefore, he understands self-worth and would not indulge himself into any misconception. Normal people believe that savings accounts or stock market are their biggest investment. However, entrepreneurs believe themselves as their biggest investment and would not mind reinvesting in themselves.

3- Not afraid of competition. 

competition_tug_sl_1Entrepreneurs believe in healthy competition and not conflicting. To be the best, you need to compete with the best. Isn’t that true enough? Due to one’s persistence and  strong determination they are said to be different from regular 9-to-5 crowd.

4- Hitting a plateau is not acceptable.

28304-If-It-Was-Easy-Everyone-Would-Do-ItYes, this is what entrepreneurs keep in mind. They are not happy with the conventional profits but will always work and strive to achieve growth in terms of almost everything. Others are enthusiast about setting goals but are satisfied with whatever they get. Earning a certain amount of money or receiving  a required  promotion at work are the examples. An entrepreneur isn’t satisfied with reaching the plateau but makes constant effort to reach the top of the mountain.

5- Willingness to learn.


Entrepreneurs never believes that their learning process is at halt. They surround them with more successful people and feel as it is the opportunity for priceless education. Some people might get wrapped up with jealousy and envy but entrepreneur don’t fall prey to that. Their learning phase of life never ends!

6- Will never quit.

NEVER_QUIT_by_fade319Entrepreneurs never take no for a situation. They never seem to give up in any circumstances. Their perseverance and persistence is what really motivates them “NOT TO STOP”. In situations where people might fumble, fall and face failure, entrepreneurs accomplishes the task he/she had fixed. Roadblocks and obstruction are accepted and entrepreneurs overcome them. The word “QUIT” does not exist in entrepreneurial journey.

7- Accept nothing but perfection.


“Perfection” is always better than “moderate”. Entrepreneurs never get motivated by moderate and mediocre success. They strive to be “perfectionist” in every task they perform. There isn’t a single entrepreneur that wakes up in the morning with the goal of being linked to a moderately successful project.

8- 24/7 work ethic. 


This is a very rare quality seen in 9-t0-5 workers crowd. One thing that sets them apart is entrepreneurs are always focused on a bigger picture and would do whatever it takes for them to reach their goals and milestones. And when you ask them why do you work so much, they simply answer ” Because I love it!”.

9- Oozing Confidence.

confidence-sound-of-musicSuccessful entrepreneurs definitely posses a lot of confidence. They aren’t the people whom you appreciate and receive a reply with something like ” Thanks, but I am not that great”?. It simply means that if you appreciate my sales team for the amazing work they have done, I’m confidently agreeing with it.

10- Absolutely fearless.


There is always going to be the element of risk as well as “what-ifs”. Entrepreneur’s aim is to minimize the risk and uncertainty in the process of growth. However, there is always a question of “what-if”. But without getting it between our way we should be able to focus on the task at hand.

It’s rightly said that entrepreneurs do not have a switch for their “entrepreneurial mode”. It’s a quality that cannot be imparted from the person possessing it. Always try to aim for being “OUT-standing” and innovative in ways different than others. If you think there are more things that set entrepreneurs apart from the regular crowd, feel free to comment 🙂


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I'm a guy who loves to learn as long as I like it. Else than that, I like to blog, play games, listen to music and make new friends. Passionate about football. My motto- "Spread happiness as it's free of cost!" :)


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