10 Things To Do Before You Graduate


Those three years before you graduate and wade through the job sector should be the golden years of your life. It’s the time when you are carefree and have no responsibilities and enjoy college and your friends to the fullest.


So here is a little list to jazz up your college life.


  1. Learn something totally impractical.

Your weapon of choice may be HR or Marketing but does not hurt to learn something new and totally irrelevant like dancing or to be more precise ball room dancing. You will charm everyone’s socks off when you glide in like Cinderella. You can also learn to bake, not completely impractical but extremely appealing. Because good looks and good but good looks with the baking advantage take the cake, bakery and the baker.


  1. Learn a new language.

We live in India, here almost everyone can speak a minimum of two languages. Learning a new language will only add in to the advantage.

German, Chinese and Japanese are quite the trend.


  1. Reach out to the first year students.

Well, you were there once and quite unclear about the what, when, why and how of it? i.e. only if you didn’t have a direct hot line to the top. Now you are in a position where you can help. Be generous.


  1. Spend a spontaneous weekend with your friends.

Be spontaneous and take yourselves when and where the mood strikes. Be it the long walk of the traditional variety or munching on fried junk from the corner stall or sleep all day and chill all night if that’s what you wish to do.


  1. Donate blood.

Be bloody good and donate some blood. It help save lives and amp up your good karma. What more do you need?



  1. Make as many friends as possible.

College is a place where you are surrounded by people your age who are exactly like you but just as dissimilar to you. Because we all need great friends and this is a place where you will find them all.  Befriend a geek, a topper, a show off and of course a Joey and have loads of fun


  1. Become health conscious.

Start taking care of your body. Join a gym, go running or start swimming or do something like joining a Zumba class.


  1. Find out what works best for you.

There are a lot of opportunities to work with different people on different projects and presentations. Take full advantage of such times and work out the strategy that works for you. Are you the team player, the leader, the dominant one or you are more of a laissez faire type of a person?


  1. Take lots and lots of pictures.

You need some good and some not so good pictures of all the fun you have had during those three years. And keep them safe, somewhere like your cloud account.


Now that you know all the things that you can do, graduate. With pride.





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