10 Things to Remember during TYBMS Exams


1) On every Answer book and every supplement issued to you, enter your seat number and other particulars.

2) Do not write your name or in anyway reveal your identity anywhere in the answerbook/supplements.

3) Write on both sides of each sheet, DO NOT TEAR OUT any sheet from the answerbook/supplements.

4) Write your answer for each question on a new page. Question Nos. 1, 2, 3 etc. and subquestion nos. (a), (b), (c), or (i), (ii), (iii)etc. should be written in the margin where the answer to the respective question or sub-question begins.

5) Each section should be answered separately (in separate books). Examination do not undertake to examine answers written in the wrong answer books. Tie together the answer book and supplements relating to the same section. Enter on the page of the answer book the total number of supplements including the answer book submitted.

6) All answer books and supplements issued to you, whether written or blank must be handed over back when the final bell is rung.

7) Candidates will NOT be allowed to leave the examination hall during the first half-an-hour or during the last ten minutes of each session of the examination.

8) Rough work, if any, must be done in pencil and on the left hand page of the answer book/supplement and NOT on the question paper or the blotting-paper.

9) Candidates will be expelled from the examination hall if –

i) he/she brings any books, notes scribbling or scribbled paper

ii) he/she speaks or communicates with any other candidate

iii) he/she takes away an answer book or supplement

iv) he/she disobeys any instruction issued by the conductor or supervisor

10) A warning bell will be rung ten minutes before the examination begins and the final bell at the close of each session of the examination. Writing or answer must stop with the final bell. Candidates must not leave his/her seat until all answer books are collected by the supervisor.


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