10 things You can do after Exams!


Things to do after exams



1) Burn all the question papers of 5th semester (no matter if you feel that you gonna get ATKT in any exam)

2) Have a party with your friends (it’s a good way to give a treat to those new friends who helped you in the exam hall 😉 )

3) Surf the internet to your heart’s content  and open your social networks – Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and install again Whatsapp, Wechat, viber and chat messengers

4) Go home and jump into the bed to catch up your lost sleep. Now that exams are finished, you need that period of rest to recover from the stressful exams!

5) Throw away your notes (not literally) but yeah, keep it in a place where you won’t read it again i.e. in a dark cupboard. Looking over your notes is just a waste of time as there is NOTHING you can do now.

6) Relax and do whatever you want guilt free. This is YOUR TIME. Spend it with your closed ones – family, relatives, friends, gf/bf etc.

7) Pamper yourself by watching your favorite DVD or pick up a season of some TV show you’ve been wanting to see. Watch it all.

8) Take a break from reading reference books and classes notes by reading fictional books

9) Hit malls and make guilt-free shopping for Christmas and New Year (too early by a month ;))

10) Have a dinner party with your friends or make something yummy to eat like cakes, cookies etc.

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