10 things you need to Accept about your 20’s!



You will undeniably grow apart from your friends in some ways. You’re going to move and get into relationships and careers that take up a lot of your time and rather than resent each other for that, cherish the time that you do have to spend together.

1. The first time you fall in love probably won’t be the last. There are different kinds of love and people that will come into your life for different reasons.

2. Nothing in your life is permanent. That’s horrifying and invigorating all at the same time. You have to embrace change and accept that it is 100 percent necessary.

3. You’re never going to look “perfect” but you’re beautiful the way you are. Accept what you see in the mirror and stop trying to change it. You’re young and vibrant. Own it.

4. There’s never going to be a time that you will not need your parents in many ways.

5. You’re going to feel unappreciated, defeated and disappointed at times.

6. The job market isn’t what it used to be. Your college degree or work history isn’t an easy ticket to success anymore. You are going to have to constantly prove yourself. Hard work is good.

7. It’s not always going to be easy to be a good person. You’re going to have to fight for what you believe is right and sometimes, no one will seemingly agree with you.

8. You’re going to fall on your face multiple times. This could from a relationship or job or really anything, but it will happen. You have to brush yourself off and learn from your mistakes.

9. Not everything will be like you imagine it now. You may not want to dish out the money you’d need to have your Pinterest Wedding or have the job you imagined for yourself, and that’s OK.

10. You’re going to feel like a different person after these years and probably know a heck of a lot more than you do now. It’s most important that you remember who you are in your heart. Love freely. Move towards your dreams. Accept imperfection and realize that life will get messy, but it’s a beautiful mess and it’s all yours.

 – Navmeen Khot


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