10 Thought-Provoking Quotes Of “Amadeo Peter Giannini” To Inspire For A Better World


Amadeo Pietro Giannini or A.P. Giannini was an American banker who founded the Bank of America. He was born on May 6, 1870 and died on 3 June 1949.





Quotes on Amadeo Peter Giannini :

1. You can’t afford to sit back and wait for talent to come to you. You have to be constantly on the lookout for it and then go out and lasso it. Amadeo Peter Giannini 

2. It is every man’s duty to strive to give his children the best possible equipment for life. But to leave millions to young sons is dangerous. Amadeo Peter Giannini 

3. A banker should consider himself a servant of the people, a servant of the community. Amadeo Peter Giannini

4. The man who will fight hard to get cheaper interest rates is one that we want to loan money to, and if he is willing to pay any old price, look out.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

5. I thrive on obstacles, particularly obstacles placed in my way by narrow-gauged competitors and their political friends.
Amadeo Peter Giannini 

6. No man, no bank, no business, should put itself into the grip of any one else.
Amadeo Peter Giannini 

7. Failure usually comes from doing things that shouldn’t have been done – often things of questionable ethics.
Amadeo Peter Giannini 

8. Each of us is better for having to make our own way in the world.
Amadeo Peter Giannini 

9. There is no fun in working merely for money. I like to do things, to be a builder. Amadeo Peter Giannini

10. I can let such a conversation go in at one ear and out at the other without ever interfering with my own mental machinery.
Amadeo Peter Giannini




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