10 tips To Make The Perfect RESUME !


A resume is basically marketing or advertising yourself and if that is done in a systematic and proper manner,it showcases quite your personality be it the skills,achievements,job experiences and job requirements. A resume should be made in such a way that it grabs the interviewers or readers attention. It should smartly highlight your skills in the content given.


Here are a few tips on making your resume:

1) Never use more that 2 different fonts,as font is the first thing the reader will see in your resume,don’t color your font.Choose a font that is sober and easy to read,nothing too fancy.

2)Have proper spacing between words and have an appropriate margin.

3)Don’t have more than 2 sizer of fonts and make sure only the important matter is written in bold.You wouldn’t want your resume to look like a colorful pamphlet.

4)Very important to have a layout! You cannot put up anything at anytime. The resume needs to be in proper order.

*Your resume can either be a Chronological resume- where steady growth in a career and increase of responsibility over time is emphasized upon,or a Functional resume- this is more about the set of skills and experiences from being self employed.A combination of these two will show off your skills and experiences too.

5)Provide them with correct educational history.For every degree or course mention the university/programs name,address and area of study.


6)Show off about the different languages you know-but make a note of your level of knowledge,like a beginner or advance or fluent,etc.

7)List all the topics you are good with in your computer skills.

8)Go through some resume examples in order to get an idea of the different formats and highlights.

9)Remember to provide all the correct contact details.Include your full name,street address,city,state,zip,phone numbers and email address.

10)Make sure all your job experiences and achievements are to the point.Don’t make it a story.Include keywords that appears in job description.It will enhance your chances to match the available positions.Mention references if any.


Pranchal Joshi.

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