10 Topics To Talk About In A Happy Relationship


Young couple celebrating with red wine at restaurant

Ever felt running out of topics to talk about while talking to your
boyfriend or girlfriend ?? Can be one of you are can never strike a
conversation but the second has to be smart enough to come up with
different interesting topics to keep the relationship lively and fun.
No worries here are 10 topics you can talk about when there is nothing
striking in your mind for keeping the conversation going

1) Plans for the weekend.

You can always talk about your weekend plans together even if it’s
still a Monday evening. Its fun and exciting and you can even judge a
person as in is he full of life or a boring workaholic ..

2) Sharing secrets.

Its always fun to talk about one !! Never ask on one’s face rather
you can be like “lets play a game of revealing secrets turn by turn ”
!! It is a nice way to know someone more deeply.

3) Movies and TV shows .

Movies again will help you to know if he is some romantic freak or a
die hard action freak ! From movies and TV shows you can guess his or
her taste .

4) Food and restaurants.

you can talk about what kind of cuisine your partner likes, his/her
favourite restaurant , particular favourite dish etc etc …

5) Vacations.

You can even ask them about favourite destinations , favourite tourist
sport in that particular place etc etc .

6) Past.

The past is always exciting and fun to talk about But can talk about
your childhood, your young dreams and all the little things that make
you who you are.

7) Five year plans.

If you’ve been dating for a while, talk about where you see yourself
in five years from now as a couple or standing somewhere in future.

8) Families.

Talking about your family business , indulging a small detail about
your background or where you belong from , how many members in your
family etc etc

9) Proud moments.

Ask your partner to tell you about the moments in life when they’ve
felt really proud of their own achievements. Some Memorable moments,
childhood memories always provide for hours of fun, hilarious
conversations .

10) The future.

What do you actually want to do with your life? This topic can make
for brilliant conversations that can help you get to know your
partner’s view about life and their preferences.

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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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