10 Tweets, Status on ‘Vande Mataram’ Trending at Twitter

  1. what in Kollam Kerala they dont allow Vande Matram in school ? where the hell India is heading ? who the hell is this guy catch them !
  2. Listening to Vande Matram by @arrahman . That great feeling you get which makes us proud of our motherland 🙂 … A salute to India.
  3. Kollam school of kerala drops Vande Matram nd dance steps which had Namaste gestures.
  4. #HappyIndependenceDay to everyone! A day to celebrate our freedom! Saare jahan se acha Hindustan humara , Love you allll ♥ Vande Matram★ 😀
  5. Wish you all a very Happy Independence Day….Proud to be the part of such a great nation….Vande Matram..
  6. Rabid elements in Kerala force dropping of Vande Matram from Independence Day programme. Idiots.
  7. @narendramodi i have made a resolution that now onwards i will only greet people with Vande matram so that i feel that i have pending work
  8. How does vande matram hurt the religious sentiments of Muslims?
  9. That’s why no compromise on Vande Matram. Next target is Namaste, then many more, then ur existence itself #India
  10. Today Muslims are offended coz some Hindus want to sing Vande Matram. Tomorrow they night be offended by them saying namaste.



(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are postings on social media website. We do not endorse the same.) 

By Tejaswini K

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