10 Types Of BMsites You Will Definitely Come Across!



In my last post on 10 Things Every BMS Student Experiences At Least Once  I spoke about Unity in Diversity, so it went this way:

Of course there is diversity, walk in any BMS college and you can immediately tell the difference between a F.Y, S.Y and a T.Y student. The ‘overdose of makeup yet mousy look’ are the freshers, The ‘I am the life of the party‘ are the S.Y’s and the ‘Buzz off I am busy’ are the T.Y’s yet with this class divide (pun intended) we are BMSites at heart and stick up for each other may what come.

And in this amazing diversity we experience, there are 10 Particular Type of BMSites you will find in any college you go! So here goes the list of 10 people native to the BMS course:

1. The Super Focused One:

marshal studying gif

They just can’t do anything but study, super focused is a polite term! These nerds are the topper’s and the ways in which they chant away Maslow’s hierarchy of needs or those bizzare Cost Accountancy formula’s gives you the feeling that you have no idea of what you are studying!

2. The ‘Tera Kitna Hua’ Item:

la la la shut up - gif

Yes, we all have that one friend who wants to know who has studied exactly how much on the night before the exam. At times even at 4 am when you have just completed studying and are off to snooze for an hour before you leave for the Sem in a few hours, they will ping you out of no where and ask Kitna hua tera? mera toh kuch bhi nai hua! dude you are awake at 4 am and you say kuch nai hua!! 

3. The Antithesis Chap

you lier gif

At the end of every paper after scribbling away furiously till the examiner actually snatched away his paper, comes out with a rueful expression and says ‘bhai iss baar toh KT pakka’. Right! like that furious scribbling you did was writing down a love letter to the principal, and over all of those expressions and dialogues on result day they get an ‘A’ and say wow if this is the result when I had such pathetic papers what could I have managed if I had actually studied! sigh.. Antithesis to the core!

4. The Hungover Group

classy woman drinking beer

3 guys, 2 guys and a girl, 2 girls and a guy usually small in size but of various permutations and combinations we usually have that group who is perennially hung over or keeps talking about the last party they had or maybe the next party they are going to have and you always wonder, how will they manage to complete their projects!

5. The Miss I am Perfect


Oh shes always perfect! her fashion sense is good, her marks are perfect and when she gives a presentation she again perfect sometimes they seem unnatural but these are the girls who eventually have an elaborate career plan and hanging out with you at the canteen is such a waste of time because they have their MBA prep class to get to! 

6. The Ladies Man

barney gif aircraft suit

Now he’s that guy you always had your eyes out for, sometimes it’s their wit, sometimes charm, model like looks, flawless debating abilities or just they way he can make you blush for the tiniest of compliments, each batch has this one guy all the others super dislike and all the girls fall head over heels for!

7. The Messed Up Man

confused watson gif

He has no idea why did he opt for BMS and is rarely seen in class, usually the one with the highest number of KT’s you at times feel pity for him, but then there is no escaping a minimum of 2 of these in every batch.

8. The Angry Young Woman

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Yes that’s them alright they can pick a fight for any reason you can think up of, they are like the fizzled off fire cracker that goes off sending out sparks every once in a while that we learn to avoid with time. All they need is an excuse to blow off their lid and criticize anyone and everyone who they can lay their hands on. Boisterous is the only word for them.

9. The Mousy Little Girl!

mousey girl gif

Exactly the opposite of the angry young woman, you always have that one girl who you feel is out of a Hindi Tele show. Shaant, susheel, salwar kameez clad, she is always alone or with a select few people. Introvert and quite these girls always shy away from the lime light.

10. The Parivartan People

shocked joey

There is always that one guy/girl who has changed drastically in the three years and you always wonder how did this happen! It’s the drastic parivartan or change that you always think about when you meet them.

Do tag your friends who fit into these characters while you share this one with them and have a hearty laugh over the amazing batchmates you have 😛

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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