1) That  ” I am so smart “
These type of students try to act smart to seek attention of the fellas and the teachers but this ” I am so smart ” is always lame and dumb.
2) That “Cheater”
These are the once who would get chits or ans written on their palms and places where even Albert Einstein or NEWTON couldn’t think  !
3) That ” Never seen or heard of them “
These are the once who would appear only during the tests , exams or ppts . None of the classmates knew that such people exist also .
4) That ” I am so busy”
These are the once who would come once or twice a month atleast the fellow classmates recognize them as “ya they attend rarely” types .
5) That “show off / snob “
There’s no need to explain who are they ?! They are those who would flaunt their Louis Vuitton or may be their Mac eye pencil or Gucci Bag Or you would come to know when the guy is making that constant “vroom vrooom” sound with his brand new sports bike.
6) That “Late comer”
They are those who would step in  15 or 20 mins late . Cellphone in one hand  and books in the other these late comers are the centre of attraction for atleast 5 mins. Well according to me they step in late purposely for being centre of attraction !
7) That ” Nerd”
Well these poor souls are ignored entire semester but during exams it seems like an alternate universe where these nerds are looked up to some hero or a saviour .
8)That “shy guy”
These are the once who would add people on social networking sites or may be whatsapp , snapchat etc where they will talk their heart, flirt out but face to face they don’t even greet . My opinion about them is ” DUDE ” its 21st century talking to opposite gender  isn’t something big deal !!
9) That ” Question mark “
We all have that person in class who is called as ” Question mark ” because they have to ask questions in the class during the lecture be it lame questions or meaningful questions .
10) That ” lost in their own world “
That person is physically present but mentally absent. He might be a Romeo thinking about his Juliett or Juliet thinking about her Romeo.
Whatever it may be but the fun is when the professors catch them dreaming and asks them to repeat what was being taught and all they reply is nothing or give that blank expression.