10 Unique Reasons To Have Your Personal Style



Every day when we are walking down the street or are travelling through the train or in the corridor we silently watch people dressed in different styles and keep looking at them wondering, one day even I will wear that top… so what is style? What is the difference between fashion and style? Fashion is externally driven i.e. following the latest trends and style is an expression of your inner self. What you wear is the reflection of what you are feeling and thinking. What you wear gives people an insight of what you think. Hence it is very important to have your own unique style. There are many more reasons as to why you should have your personal style let us see few of them…


  1. Comfort:-

When you dress according to your wish what is the first thought that comes to your heart? It makes you feel comfortable because you are being yourself. When you dress as per your body type, shape and size you see to it that you are choosing the appropriate fit of clothes for yourself and not merely stuffing yourself into those tight skinny pants.


  1. Stand out in crowd:-

When you style your clothes according to your choice you always tend to take inspiration from your fashion idols and create a look that is original. This makes you stand out in the crowd. When every other person will be following the latest trends you will be the one dressed completely different making you the highlight among all… It’s like you will be the Cinderella among all the clones; p


  1. Confidence

Dressing up like the way you want to gives you that waft of confidence around… when you wear that dress which you have constructed, what do you feel that time? You feel proud of yourself. You feel like you have achieved something and this gives you confidence.


  1. Breaking the rules:-

It is always said that petite or fat people should not wear certain types of dresses but I humbly think, if you wish to wear something then you can definitely wear it! Fashion keeps changing everyday and this helps us to break the rules and mend them according to our choices. Do what you want with your clothes and wear them as you want to.


  1. Feeling bliss:-

When was the last time that you wore your favorite outfit and just couldn’t stop feeling happy about it? I simply think that whenever you are feeling low just wear your brightest outfit and it will add cheer and glow to your gloomy day.try it; p.


  1. Window:-

By window I mean that whenever you wear what you love, it conveys unconsciously to other people watching you what you feel about yourself. Some people wear red for example it conveys to people that you are a person who loves to have command over things.


  1. Utilization of creativity:-

Being present in the lectures ,these days, have surely influenced me to such an extent that the word utilization just keeps running in my mind 😀 anyways, this point means that when you have your personal style you are fully using your creativity to always style your clothes in a different way than others.


  1. Hello myself ;p :-

I humbly think that to create your style first you need to know yourself. What you think of yourself, how you want others to think of you, are you a risk taker etc. only after having answers to such n numerable question, you’ll be able to create a style for yourself (custom made).


  1. Boosting self esteem:-

There are lots of people who go to image consultants just to change their dressing style that means somewhere down lies the fact that having a personal style does affects a person’s thoughts for himself.


10. Trendsetter:-

Last but not the least, every day when we walk into the college or board a train we want people to notice us (obvious for good reasons; p) and when you have a personal style why will anyone stop staring at you!


Thank you guys for bearing me and I hope this article was helpful to you in some ways and all I’ll like to say is wear your heart on your sleeves! D juss go out there and have fun..


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