10 ‘UPSC’ Tweets Trending On Twitter

  1. Why is that there are no protests against & English language in the south of India? Simple reason – they will strive to achieve goals.
  2. The debate and chaos created about CSAT is nothing but language politics
  3. Evident that Sonia’s govt changed UPSC exam in 2011 to shut certain types of Indians out from civil services. A panelist said it’s happened
  4. FINALLY .. Faith in Times Now restored. Thank u so much Arnab Goswami for the discussion on UPSC today. indeed.
  5. Elites want to control UPSC deprive rural Indian to get selected
  7. UPSC must do what in its uninfluenced & expert opinion is right. Such protests is mere resistance to change. Dust will settle.
  8. IAS aspirants cant decide how/what shd be test criteria.Not only Aptitude but Attitude also b tested.Let UPSC decide sans parochialism#UPSC
  9. Heard that UPSC used Google translation for aptitude/logic test from English to Hindi-Absurd thing to do-Can they not hire good translators?
  10. While students are calling for Merit in selection of UPSC Exams, ModiGovt is doing Drama over use of Hindi.

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