10 Very Important Questions To Ask An Injury Lawyer



1) Contingency fees ranges between 25% to 40%. If the case is stronger and has severe damages, the more negotiable the fee agreement will be.

Question to ask : What is your contingency fee?


2) Lawyers charge additional costs to the contingency fees which can be substantial and always deducted from client’s share.

Question to ask : Will I be responsible for any advanced case costs at all if we lose?


3) Ask for lawyer’s experience and results. Do not get bullied by the lawyer.

Question to ask : Have you tried these types of personal injury cases before?


4) Lawyers love to get clients and sign up additional new cases. They can delay your cases as they will be not be available full time to devote to your case.

Question to ask : Do you have the time necessary to actually work on my case now?


5) Lawyers do not like to work on specific cases if there is a deadline. There are lawsuits which go for a year or 2 as there was no pending statute of limitations.

Question to ask : When will be may lawsuits filed?


6) Your lawyer should every single case to go to trial. Be very cautious if your lawyer says that your case is going to settle.

Question to ask : Will my case actually go to trial? And if so when?


7) Your lawyer should be able to explain the unknown facts of the case to you. Don’t get fooled by unrealistic promises of lawyers.

Question to ask : What is my case worth?


8) Figure out specifically who will be handling your case and who will be your contact. You need to know who is the person who will manage your case.

Question to ask : Will you be the actual attorney handling my case?


9) Lawsuits requires teamwork. You need to understand your role and what is expected or not expected before hiring your lawyer.

Question to ask : What will be my participation in the lawsuit?


10) Hire a personal injury lawyer who gives you the best opportunity. Personal injury lawsuits are all about money and you need to make the most of it.

Question to ask : Will you get me more money than other attorneys and why?

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