10 Wonderful Quotes Of ‘Dave Thomas’ That Will Make You Feel Free


Rex David “Dave” Thomas was an American businessman and philanthropist. Thomas was the founder and chief executive officer of Wendy’s, a fast-food restaurant chain specializing in hamburgers. He became the company’s TV spokesman in 1989. Thomas never knew his birth mother, and was adopted by a couple from Kalamazoo, Michigan, when he was 6 months old. Thomas’s adoptive mother died when he was only five, and by the age of 10 Thomas had lost two stepmothers as well. He spent summers in Maine with his adoptive grandmother, Minnie Thomas, who was his closest relative and a big influence in his life.



Quotes of Dave Thomas :

1. I think the harder you work, the more luck you have.
Dave Thomas

2. You can do what you want to do. You can be what you want to be.
Dave Thomas

3. If there are things you don’t like in the world you grew up in, make your own life different.
Dave Thomas

4. It all comes back to the basics. Serve customers the best-tasting food at a good value in a clean, comfortable restaurant, and they’ll keep coming back.
Dave Thomas

5. The anger that appears to be building up between the sexes becomes more virulent with every day that passes. And far from women taking the blame… the fact is that men are invariably portrayed as the bad guys. Being a good man is like being a good Nazi.
Dave Thomas

6. In the beginning there was nothing and God said ‘Let there be light’, and there was still nothing but everybody could see it.
Dave Thomas

7. There’s no one to stop you but yourself.
Dave Thomas

8. What people forget is that every movie that gets made keeps making money for somebody FOREVER.
Dave Thomas

9. It was the closest to purgatory that I’ve ever experienced while I’ve been living.
Dave Thomas

10. “Jack has provided outstanding leadership and delivered excellent results during his 25-year career at Wendy’s. He has the right combination of restaurant industry experience, management skills and strategic planning ability to lead our organization.”Dave Thomas



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