11 Amazing #mahaverdict Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter


rahul gandhi

Here we present 11 Amazing #mahaverdict Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter

1) I am very happy to see 1 thakarey completely decimated another thakarey’s ego decimated 😀

2) Rahul Gandhi inspecting remaining Congress party structure after storm !:

3) If Arnab Goswami can’t say Raj Thakeray should quit as PartyChief, he has no business asking others to quit

 4) When there are people in India who fly ISIS flags & wear ISIS t-shirts, voting for “15 minutes” Owaisi is a far smaller issue.

5) After celebration at BJP offices , daughter asked hv they clean roads after bursting crackers ?
6) If Rajani is made BJP CM face for Tamil Nadu… TN will become a BJP bastion!!

7) NCP is the shameless party of spineless peoples. They don’t have any ideology. They are only interested in money & power.

8) Congress-Sena Alliance will be last nail in both parties coffin. Both r ready to ditch their Muslim/Hindu agenda 4 power/money

9) It’s going to be one hell of a circus and I for one am looking forward to it.

10) Heard that some sort of DEAL happened between and at some Sulabh Shauchalay ! 😛

11) ‘May the best man win’ doesn’t apply to politics in India because the best men never stand for elections here.

(P.S. These are tweets / status collected from social media websites. We do not support or endorse the same)

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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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