11 Amusing Reactions To #wt20final On Twitter And Facebook




  1. India losing #wt20final to Sri Lanka 2 days before Ramnavmi is like Lord Ram himself gifting Sita to Ravan.
  2. We’d have won the #wt20final if Ram was born before the match and not today.
  3. Guys spare a thought for Vijay Mallya…. He’s paid 14.5 Cr for Mr. Singh for IPL!!! #wt20final 😛
  4. Sri Lankans are hugging Yuvraj Singh tight! He did it for them today #wt20final
  5. In the mean time, RaGa is thinking why people are shouting and abusing him today, “YuvRaj” #wt20final
  6. “Don’t utter a world… I am the costliest player of IPL” – Yuvraj Singh 😛 #SLvsIND #wt20final
  7. Yuvraj Singh has already won Indians hearts in 2007 & 2011 Today he even won Sri Lankan and Pakistan hearts at same time #IndvSL #wt20final
  8. I’m shifting to football. Atleast they can kick the opponent’s nuts and then run away unnoticed. #wt20final
  9. Meanwhile Vijay Mallya is enquiring if he can sell Yuvraj on OLX before the #IPL begins; or on Quikr ! #wt20final
  10. admit it 😀 When Tendulkar scored, India lost matches …. now when Virat Kohli scores, India loses tournaments. #SLvsIND #IndvSL #wt20final
  11. #IPL is surely gonna have a hit in popularity due to loss in #wt20final !”


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