11 Annoying Dialogues To Utter in Job Interviews


A six-pack profile will land you in the best of the jobs and in the best of the companies. The next step you’d look for is to search about how to appear in front of the interviewer (HR manager)? Lots of CV reviews and YouTube videos will show you how to  present yourself and exactly what to utter. But, the following dialogues will help you remember the don’ts easily when you are just about to pour out at the strike of specific questions mentioned below. Additional information of how best answers could be delivered instead of the annoying ones are mentioned within the brackets, for a scrupulous job-interview preparation.


Annoying Dialogue 1 (AD1)

Interviewer : Will you sign a bond with us?

Interviewee : I have to think about it!

(Best answer is to say yes or no, simply!)


AD 2

Interviewer : You should have come on time!

Interviewee : Sir, I tried very hard, but you know how these bombay rains are!

(Best answer is not ask for sympathies. Say sorry and if he (interviewer) wants you in the company, he  will soon be forgetful)



job interviwe


AD 3

Interviewer : You will be provided with basic facilities like lunch and drop services.

Interviewee : Great stuff . .

(Best answer is to not be a studmuffin at the acceptance of offer).


AD 4

Interviewer : Why did you participate in that event?

Interviewee : I thought it was cool . . It even got me a lot of fame! It was awesome.

(Best answer is to link it to your passions and interests)


AD 5

Interviewer : Why did you choose this company?

Interviewee : I have a few friends working here… Its best when friends work together.

(Best answer is to speak out passion and not dependencies).


AD 6

Interviewer : Tell me something about yourself . .

Interviewee : (Some answers). Cool! Are we done?

(Best answer is to stop when you’re done. Keep it precise. Be patient).


AD 7

Interviewer :  So why sales?

Interviewee : I will not lie, because I love to talk to people!

(Best answer is not to be extremely frank)


job interview


AD 8

Interviewer: What do you know about the company?

Interviewee :Awesome marketing!! Never seen like that before.

(Best answer is not to flatter anonymously)


AD 9

Interviewer : Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Interviewee : 2-3 Cars, maybe a 4bhk flat and surfing in the west. Yeah! That’s where I will be! 😀

(Best answer can be delivered by preparing prior to the interview and must be in relation to your professional life and not personal)


AD 10

Interviewer :  Why this company, when you had so many choices?

Interviewee : Because your company pays the best . .

(Best answer to brag some knowledge about the company and linking that to your passion / interest)


AD 11

Interviewer : Why would you spend the rest of your life in fixing and auditing balance sheets?

Interviewee : My mom always desired for me to have a sedentary job . .

(Best answer is just around your passion / interest).





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Devansh Thakker
An accidental science student but a self-acclaimed business and management geek. A man in the middle of his ladder. From my perspective, it simply means I am an undergraduate close enough to complete my graduation (BMS), with a little experience in business. Why BMS.co.in? Two reasons: 1. An emerging interest in writing brought me here, 2. What could be better than contributing to my own community first? Listening to music while travelling is awesome. Writing rhymes is another pastime. A strategy games lover, especially Defense of the Ancients and Age of Empires. Fitness is a must.


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