11 Annoying Things That Happens With Girls Everyday


staring at girls

A girl is a daughter, Mother, Sister or a Wife of someone. Would you like the things that you do to happen to any of your own Woman? Then why make her every single day so much torturing by giving he trouble which for you must be just a time-pass or fun…For a girl who first time faces such a thing may never again step outside the house…A women is not troubled only at her home or after marriage but she faces trouble every single day when she takes a step outside. Maybe many of us are not aware what our daughter, wife, Mother Face when she goes out

  1. Everybody stares at you as if you are a alien from another planet
  2. If you are well dressed then you wonder whether they are looking at you because you are looking beautiful or there is something wrong with you
  3. When you walk Men literally touch your hands and go…and then when you give them serious looks…they will smile back at you
  4. If for some reason you have got into a Gens Compartment….then you have to face their own purpose pushing….standing extremely close and that’s irritating (grins)
  5. If you wear short dresses then people stare at you as if you haven’t worn clothes
  6. There is no difference between the scanning that a girl with a salwar and the girl with a jeans goes through….so the way you dress up is really not a reason for the scanning eyes
  7. For sure you will have to listen to a bizarre comment or whistling by some loafers on the road
  8. There are guys who doesn’t know you but will smile at you in a weird way
  9. Sometimes if you are walking with your friend you will notice some random guy on purpose will give his comment and move on
  10. If you catch a sharing rickshaw you will see that Men wont’ have any kind of Gentleman quality in them instead they will sit very relaxed…without giving you even shifting a little
  11. Sometimes some Rickshaw or bus conductors will try to touch your hand on the excuse of giving or taking money


Being a ‘SHE’ is really not easy and so do not give her the trouble she too is a human who wants to live life without any problems. So treat her as a human and not object and hence behave decently with her.

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