11 Awesome #HappyMarriedLifeArpita Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter


arpita khan wedding



  1. Just imagine. is trending. I mean honestly.
  2. Media Persons & Cameras r not allowed inside Falaknuma Palace..Sad!!
  3. Wat matters is hs happiness is wat i olways pray for All the v best for ur future
  4. People who are tweeting on are showing the India values. Bhai ki behen apni behen.
  5.  ‘s groom to wear sherwani by Hyderabadi clothier at D-Day
  6. is the 3rd top trending hashtag? What is she… because she’s THE bhai ki behen?
  7. More and more Indian girls are opting for MBA these days just to avoid the pressure of marriage by parents. Anyway
  8. Arpita always wanted to get married in a palace..so Salman booked the Falaknuma palace…WOW!! <3
  9. Twitter pe hai Trending Arpita ki wedding hai. Always happiness for you and your family.
  10. I don’t mean to hurt but let me tell you SRK’s first highest grosser of year in last 7yrs was at Galaxy Apartments
  11. “A Brother Like Salman Khan is a Friend given by Nature”



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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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