11 Awesome Hilarious ‘Abhishek Bachchan’ Jokes, Tweets, Facebook Status, WhatsApp Messages




  1. Abhishek Bachchan is so out of work these days, Amazon could deliver their orders using Drona instead of drones.
  2. Abhishek Bachchan is trending. Abhisek ne #JanDhanYojna me khata kkhulwaya hai kya?
  3. If a film is ever made on Rahul, Abhishek Bachchan must get the lead role.
  4.  #Twitter CEO suicide after seeing Abhishek Bachchan trending. Probably the first time that Abhishek Bachchan is trending without Aishwarya rai being the reason.
  5. Some things never change in life…like Abhishek Bachchan is trending on Twitter, but he is last here also.
  6. If Abhishek Bachchan can trend anything can happen in this world.
  7. Abhishek bachchan is trending.. Few more days and u’ll se ‘ADITYA’ trending at the top..
  8. Ranbeer Kapoor to Abhishek Bachchan : You know bro… Every Star child is not that lucky.
  9. Abhishek Bachchan has shown more acting skills in #ProKabaddi league than in his entire bollywood career. #fb
  10. Why the hell is Abhishek Bachchan trending in India??? God!!
  11. Abhishek Bachchan is in Trends !!! Dhoom 4 has started its promotions…


 (Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are postings on social media website. We do not endorse the same.)

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