11 Awesome #JiyoHazaroSaalAK Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter




  1. For the 1st time in my generation,I have witnessed a revolution.thanks to the man behind it. #JiyoHazaroSaalAK wish u good health & success!
  2. You came, You fought, You stirred hope! Always a fan and a supporter. Aap aaye to asha jagi ki abhi bhi kuch ho sakta hai #JiyoHazaroSaalAK
  3. #JiyoHazaroSaalAK Leader extraordinaire Patriot extraordinaire.Humanbeing extra ordinaire Crusader extra ordinaire.a very happy Birthday 2 u
  4. Looking at #JiyoHazaroSaalAK we can conclude that when it’s comes to sycophancy, AAP beats Congress hands down
  5. If there is one life to die for then for me it will be Arvind Kejriwal worth to die for #JiyoHazaroSaalAK
  6. Ppl with guts to fight corruption & crony capitalism r few & far betn. They r precious 2 humanity For nation sake u must #JiyoHazaroSaalAK
  7. There has been a change in general perception of Political Parties they hv now learnt to be accountable to public Thanks #JiyoHazaroSaalAK
  8. #JiyoHazaroSaalAK ! When we had lost hope for the nation, you rose up and championed the cause of accountable governance. Thank you!
  9. There is no greatness where there is no simplicity,truth &selflessness. Arvind Kejriwal is d epitome of all these virtues #JiyoHazaroSaalAK
  10. Many many Happy U-Turns of the day to AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal.. keep entertaining, keep coughing #JiyoHazaroSaalAK #BhagodaDiwas
  11. Fact- Arvind Kejriwal was born on 15th August but due addiction of U-Turn he born again on 16th August #JiyoHazaroSaalAK


(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are postings on social media website. We do not endorse the same.) 

By Komal Dhumal

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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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