11 Craziest ‘IIT JEE’ Trolls, Memes, Jokes For WhatsApp

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Q: What does an IITian present to his fiancée when he wants to propose?
A: A polynomial ring!
Q: If you happen to see a beautiful girl in IIT, what do you call her?

A: A visitor!

Q: What happens when two IIT girls meet at a fashion show?

A: They will discuss the cause of two smaller bugs.

Q: What is a black shirt worn by IIT guy called?

A: A white shirt badly in need of a good wash.

Q: What does an IIT guy tells Julia Roberts?

A: Your hair reminds me of “sine curves”.

Q: Where does an IIT guy take his girl on a date?

A: Obviously to the IIT library.


Q: What happens when an IIT guy goes on a trip to USA?

A: The average cleanliness of India increases and that of USA decreases.

Q: Hare and tortoise appear for IIT JEE, hare gets 98% and tortoise gets 89%. Tortoise gets into IIT but hare does not, HOW?

A: Sports quota.

An IIT guy’s verdict: 90% of the girls in the world are beautiful, the rest are at IIT.
Three IITians gathered together discussing the possible designers of the human body.

One said, “It was a mechanical engineer, Just look at all the joints.”

Another said, “No, it was an electrical engineer. The nervous system has many thousands of electrical connections.”

The last one said, “No, actually it had to have been a civil engineer. Who else would run a toxic waste pipeline through a recreational area?”

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