11 Funny Reactions To ‘Casey Kasem’ Trending On Twitter


America’s Most Famous DJ, Casey Kasem, Is Missing. Los Angeles judge asks: Where is Casey Kasem?


  1. Casey Kasem is missing? Where is Liam Neeson when you need him?
  2. I’m not trying to sound insensitive, all I’m saying is that we shouldn’t count on the Malaysian Government to find Casey Kasem.
  3. Casey Kasem in the news. Did you know Kasem was the voice of Scooby Doo’s best friend Shaggy?
  4. Bring back Casey Kasem #CaseyKasem
  5. Casey Kasem is missing. Scooby-Doo dispatched to find him.
  6. Where’s Casey Kasem? His children are afraid his wife has taken him to another country or a Native American reservation.
  7. I can’t be the only person dumbfounded that Casey Kasem is still alive.
  8. The best I can tell from this morning’s news Harvard’s Satanic black mass was canceled because Casey Kasem can’t be found.
  9. Casey Kasem shouldn’t be too hard to find. Just look for someone who has their feet on the ground and is reaching for the stars.
  10. I don’t like the “humor” tone in a lot of the Casey Kasem reporting. Parkinsons is AWFUL to endure. So is elder abuse. Find this man.
  11. Okay, an airplane I could see you misplacing that, but Casey Kasem? How can you misplace that? He’s Casey Kasem. You don’t lose Casey Kasem.



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