11 Hilarious Reactions To #RajSpeaksToArnab That You Must Read




After Rahul Gandhi’s interview with Arnab Goswami on Times Now, the most followed political event is today’s interview of Raj Thackeray with Arnab Goswami. Here are the 11 best funny reactions to the interview we found so far.

  1. MNS is a ‘One Man Army’. And turning those forever on fire politicians into good leaders is a longing job but RAJ CAN.
  2. Raj Thackrey: *sits on a chair* Arnab: Mr Raj that is my chair RT: Tujhe chair HOTI samajhlas ka? Arnab: Theek hai
  3. After watching Raj Thackeray’s interview to Arnab Goswami, Modi mite garner some courage to speak to The Lame Arnab.
  4. The person who mst b most enjoying this interview is Rahul Gandhi  
  5. Whenever Arnab speaks softly, the interviewee gets the full floor to scream and get angry…..lol
  6. An extremely strong Raj Thackrey giving interview to extremely illogical interviewer. Arnab behaving like RG
  7. There is a Saying “what goes around comes around”…Arnab Goswamy Molested RaGa..Today Raj Thackeray is Molesting Arnab !
  8. Have you ever heard arnab goswami say “bura math maaniye” “dont feel bad” so many times
  9. On Rahul Gandhi, Raj says to Arnab:A man who can’t give a proper interview is going to run the country? Ouch!
  10. I am convinced that the only man who can give it back to Arnab is Raj T
  11. Today we can try to make omelette on TV when Arnab gonna interrogate sorry interview Thackrey

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