11 Reasons Why We Absolutely Love To Mess With Our Siblings!


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They have seen us at our best and been there for us at our worst.  They are our Best Buddies, our Double Trouble and we define two of a Kind! They know our faults, virtues, catastrophes, mortification, triumphs, rivalries, desires and how long we can each hang by our hands to a bar. Here are 10 reasons why these oh-so-annoying-idiots are our favorites!

1. Because they can be SOOO annoying: Their precious expressions after we give them some trouble and those moments when they decide to take revenge!


2. Because those moments when secrets are revealed and how we can threaten them to expose their secrets or how we are blackmailed to get things done for the sake of our clandestine. They have all those photographs and stories just in case they need to blackmail us.


3. Because you never find your stuff during an emergency. Guess who took it? And then, our fights are epic.


4. Because no one can point a finger at them. Except us. Because we are on their watch. Always. And they’re on our watch. Always.

5. Because you get bribed.  And you can bribe too.

6. Because sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero. You don’t need a bodyguard. There’s your brother!


7. Because our phone is theirs. And so is our laptop. And they’ll claim anything they pick up from your stuff. You don’t get it back.  Not till it’s broken. The lost stuff is never found until it’s broken or magically reappears in our closet.

8. That moment when they are being so nice to you. *Beware* or maybe because their ‘happy dance’ is probably a warning for us.

9. Because giving epic lectures is our forte.

10. Because we have partners in crime. Always. *Bwahahahaha*

11. and mainly because we simply can’t live without each other.


 -Tanvi Shah


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