11 Remedies To Deal With High Oil Prices You Ought To Know


high oil prices

Raw oil today has become more precious than even gold and silver. We are aware that oil is a depleting very rapidly in India and the oil producing company in our country is not able to produce the oil that is required for the consumption. In other words the oil that is there with us is not enough to suffice the needs of the consumers. So what do we do or what does the government does? It imports oil from the gulf countries wherein there are huge reserves for oil production so we suffice our needs through import. It means we pay huge amount of money to the gulf to meet our oil requirement which gets paid indirectly by us through taxes.

We very well know how the increase in petrol and diesel prices leads to the increase in prices of everything else simultaneously. Increase in oil prices means increase in the price of transportation which means increase in price of fruits and vegetables…in other words our daily bread is in trouble and hence it is  cycle that is inter- connected…Wherein today oil prices are reaching skies therefore there is something that should be done to deal with high oil prices

We have just one alternative and that is reducing the consumption of oil. Reduce in Consumption = Decrease in Demand = Decrease In Price. So how do we Reduce Consumption of oil?

There are ways that on our part and even the government can deal with high oil prices…

  1. For shorter distance, we must walk or use bicycles. Using bicycles is better for shorter distance than automobiles and this will also reduce air Pollution
  2. People of same destination and same workplace must encourage Car Pooling
  3. We must use public transportation as much as possible like BEST buses, Auto rickshaws, Metro and trains rather than private vehicles
  4. Drive wisely whenever there is a signal put off the engine this will save a lot of fuel
  5. Use renewable source of energy like solar, wind etc
  6. Replacement of all Railway diesel engine with electrical carrier engine which will save a lot of fuel though will incur huge replacement charges
  7. By creating awareness programs so as to minimize the use of petrol and diesel
  8. Reducing subsides on petroleum is also an effective way to deal with high oil prices
  9. Government should pay attention towards research and development of alternatives of petroleum products
  10. The VIP should also see that they too make some efforts when they use vehicles for short distance
  11. There should be a control on black marketing by oil mafias


By putting into practice these ways in our daily life we will be able to overcome the major problem today and that is high oil prices.


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