11 Things You Never Knew About Ruskin Bond



1) Ruskin Bond celebrates his 80th birthday today i.e. 19th May 2014.
2) He is one of India’s most prolific writers in English for adults and children.
3) He has been writing novels, poems, essays and many short stories since more than 50 years.
4) Children and adults both love Ruskin Bond’s books as he uses natural imagery while writing in his books.
5) In all his stories, Ruskin Bond describes the richness of rural life and promotes many fundamental Indian values like respect for elders and love for nature.
6) Even at this age, Ruskin Bond wants to continue writing good stories and a longer book covering his writing life.
7) Love Among the Bookshelves is his latest book launched by Penguin which is a light-hearted story on books which Ruskin had read in his youth days.
8) He is writing a book of ghost stories titled “Little Tales of Terror”.
9) His favorite and first book he read in his childhood was Ali in Wonderland.
10) His ability to use words and reasonably work hard made him an outstanding good writer till date.
11) Apart from writing, Ruskin enjoys walking among trees or growing plants. He also watches TV, follows football, cricket etc. He still loves reading books of other authors from classics to crime fiction.

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