12 Awesome Hilarious Game of Thrones Funny Memes, Trolls for WhatsApp, Facebook


Game of Thrones, an American fantasy drama television series created by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss aired at HBO is an adaptation of A Song of Ice and Fire, George R. R.Martin’s series of fantasy novels. Game of Thrones has won many awards and nominations and has attracted an active international fan base. The last episode of Games of Thrones was aired on 14th June 2015.

Here is what Twitteraites had to say about the #GameofThronesFinale episode:

  1. Love the people saying “We did not see that coming” about the last scene of #GameofThronesFinale. It’s in the books, guys !
  2. Dont like the way each main character keeps dying in each season. #GameofThronesFinale
  3. My God #GameofThronesFinale made me cry angry blood. Best show ever…
  4. Come on, really!?! I am not good at this “guess who dies next” game, but I really didn’t see this coming. #GameofThronesFinale
  5. We dont have any vaccinations to cure trauma caused by #GameofThronesFinale but we do provide medical guidance to our traveling clients 🙂
  6. Woke up early to watch the #GameofThronesFinale before work and now I just want to phone in sick.
  7. To All in the Realm that “cannot do this any more,” it’s amusing that you thought you had a choice in it #GameofThronesFinale.
  8. #GameofThronesFinale did exactly what it was intended to do. Shake us up, get us talking, get it trending.
  9. #GameofThronesFinale more like #GameofBones. Everyone got boned, especially those watching it.
  10. Just watched the #GameofThronesFinale. I’m speechless. No one is safe.
  11. I’m crying as if one of my own family members just died. #GameofThronesFinale

Here we present 12 Awesome Hilarious Game of Thrones Funny Memes, Trolls for WhatsApp, Facebook:

Game of Thrones Funny Memes (11) Game of Thrones Funny Memes Game of Thrones Funny Memes (1) Game of Thrones Funny Memes (2) Game of Thrones Funny Memes (3) Game of Thrones Funny Memes (4) Game of Thrones Funny Memes (5) Game of Thrones Funny Memes (6) Game of Thrones Funny Memes (7) Game of Thrones Funny Memes (8) Game of Thrones Funny Memes (9) Game of Thrones Funny Memes (10)

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