12 Awesome ‘Kamika Ekadashi 2014’ Facts That Will Blow Your Mind





  1. Kamika Ekadashi is celebrated on 22nd July 2014, Tuesday.

  2. The day falls in the Shravan month during Krishna Paksha, the waning phase of moon.

  3. Devotees of Lord Vishnu worship Him and fast to seek for love and affection of Lord Vishnu.

  4. Ekadashi Tithi Begins = 19:42 on 21/Jul/2014 and Ekadashi Tithi Ends = 20:42 on 22/Jul/2014

  5. Brahmavaivarta Purana mentions that Lord Krishna explained the significance of Kamika Ekadashi to Yudhishthira.

  6. On this day one who offers prayers to the divine Lord Vishnu achieves the purity that one gets after bathing in the Ganges river or in the sacred Kali gadaki or the Godavari river during the full moon day.

  7. Worshipping Lord Vishnu on this day is like donating the whole earth in charity.

  8. Observing fast on this day showers the same blessings that one gets from donating a cow and her calf with fodder.

  9. Fasting on the day is considered to get liberation from all the sufferings.

  10. That person does not even have to suffer the future births. That person is more blessed than a person who reads spiritual texts.

  11. To observe a proper fast, it is good if a person wakes up early in the morning and after bathing, Lord Vishnu is worshipped. Aarti is performed with sandalwood, kumkum, incense sticks etc.

  12. Kamika Ekadashi is considered very important for spiritual seekers as it destroys all the negativity from consciousness and fills the mind and heart with divine light.

Kamika Ekadashi

Happy Kamika Ekadashi 2014!




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