12 Awesome Reasons Your Cousin Is Your Best Friend


cousins are best friends


You always have someone with whom you share all your secrets. We all have cousins but everyone is not lucky enough to have their cousins also act as some of their closest friends.

Here are the 12 things you will understand if your best friend is your cousin.

  1. You never get bored in any boring family ceremony because you will always have your cousins to entertain you all the time.


  1. Since your cousins have grown up with you they know all your tantrums and they still love you.


  1. They also know all the embarrassing things you have done in your childhood so they blackmail you about telling this to your friend.


  1. You make sure to keep each other updated about all the drama in the family.


  1. You can go about years without seeing them but still feels that nothing has changed.


  1. You talk about all your future plans, even about your marriage.


  1. You share all your relationship problems with them and expect them to give you an advice.


  1. They will never judge you so you know whom to call first when you are in trouble.


  1. You have spent so many vacations with each other which means you have so many best memories with them.


  1. Your family probably trust you more with them than your regular friends, this means getting to do other stuff you normally wouldn’t be allowed to do.


  1. If you live far away from them you have a vacation to spend at their place.


  1. You guys get into arguments like siblings do finally everything is sorted because you know like siblings you are stuck together forever.

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Saloni Shetty


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