12 Facts That You Need To Know About Digvijay Singh


Digvijay Sigh's family

Here are twelve facts on the left-of-the-center politics representative of the Congress:

  1. He is a General Secretary of the Indian National Congress Party’s All India Congress Committee.
  2. He also has served himself as the 9th Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh for two terms that is from 1993 to 2003.
  3. He is the son of Balbhadra Singh who had been a ruler of the princely state of the Raghogarh which is currently the Guna district of Madhya Pradesh.
  4. He completed his education in Indore from Dale college and Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science by doing a B.E. in Mechanical Engineering.
  5. His wife Asha Singh died in 2013 and has four daughters and a son.
  6. He also confirmed that he is in a relation with a television journalist Amrita Rai in 2014.
  7. His political Career
    • 1977-1993 MLA and MP
    • 1993-2003 Chief Minister
    • currently General Secretary of the Indian National Party
  8. In recent times he has been known in the news for opposing the right wing Hindu Groups.
  9. Singh once opposing the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) said that it was a threat to national unity and considered them to be like Nazis.
  10. He is often referred to as modern day Arjun Singh.
  11. Recently he said, “”Parrikar should stop playing shadow” pointing towards Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar playing as a Shadow chief minister of Goa.
  12. He also asked Naxals to shun violence and join Congress.

Digvijaya Singh, Amrita Rai



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Shreya Karania
A first year management student from Mumbai.


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