12 Facts To Be Known About Mehbooba Mufti


Mehbooba is considered to be one of the few known ladies belonging to politics and coming from the state of Jammun & Kashmir. She was elected to Lok Sabhafrom Anantnag seat in 2004-2014. Here few facts about her:
1. Mehbooba Mufti Sayeed is the president of the Jammu & Kashmir Peoples Democratic Party.
2. She is the daughter of former Home Minister of India and chief minister of Jammu & Kashmir Mufti Mohammad Sayeed.Mehbooba's father,Home minister of India and Jammu & Kashmir chief minister
3. She was the member of the 14th Lok Sabha (2004-2009) and represented Anantnag constituency of Jammmu & Kashmir , her party failed to win in 2009 elections but in 2014 she was elected again to Lok Sabha from Anantnag constituency.
5.Her sister Rubaiya was famously kidnapped when their father was appointed as Home Minister in 1989.Rubaiya Sayyed
6.She took a law degree from the University Of Kashmir.
7.She remained uninvolved in the politics till 1980 as she was bringing up her two daughters.
8.She gained popularity while electing for state assembly in 1996.
9.In 1999 she was expected to become the party president but she instead became the vice-president.
10.But then she resigned her seat and went on to contest the parliamentary elections of 1999 from Srinagar
11.In 1999 Parliamentary elections she won Pahalgam seat in the state assembly from south Kashmir .
12. She has separated from her husband who also went on to become a politician.

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Shreya Karania
A first year management student from Mumbai.


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