12 Funny Hilarious #When Manmohan Singh Messages Trending On Twitter And Facebook


Manmohan singh



  1. When Manmohan Singh was student, Those were the days when he gave a slogan “Keep Quiet”
  2. When Manmohan Singh was born, they thought he was stillborn.
  3. When Manmohan Singh Speaks… is an Oxymoron.
  4. When Manmohan Singh speaks America gives a national holiday to all the Indians!!
  5. When Manmohan Singh is on TV, it is tough to tell whether it’s his photo or video…!!
  6. When Manmohan Singh write his biography.
  7. I_________________________________________________________________________________________. Thanks.
  8. When Manmohan Singh was born the Hospital transformed to a Library! Sssshhhhh ☺
  9. When Manmohan Singh goes on NDTV’s ‘Walk the talk’, it will be renamed as ‘Walk the walk’ with both of them walking silently.
  10. When Manmohan Singh was born doctor said “Sabhi apne mobile silent mode pe daal do”
  11. When Manmohan Singh was born, the Sholay writer came up with the dialogue, ”Itna sannata kyu hai bhai”.
  12. When Manmohan Singh was born, he watched Pushpak. And the rest is history!

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