12 Hilarious ‘Yami Gautam’ Jokes That Will Make You Laugh Until Your Jaws Hurt


Yami Gautam



  1. Yami Gautam enters a fairness contest. She came first and her shadow came second.
  2. Yami can’t be photographed with a white background.
  3. Yami Gautam uses Fair & Lovely as toothpaste to whiten her teeth too.
  4. Yami Gautam needs to just drop ‘tam’ from her last name and bingo; She’ll be Fair (white) & Lovely (holy) as Gau (Cow).
  5. IPL to rename Fair Play award as Yami Gautam –Play Award.
  6. When Yami Gautam’s family plays chess and they can’t find some pieces, they make her the White Queen.
  7. Yami Gautam is the only one echo can turn black money into white.
  8. Swiss bank has black money; other banks have Yami Gautam money.
  9. If ever the Sun loses its shine, just get Yami Gautam and Neil Nitin Mukesh married, their kids would be more than enough replacement!
  10. If Yami Gautam happened to write her autobiography somewhere in the future what will be its title? 50 shades of Fair & Lovely.
  11. Yami Gautam’s skin tone is brighter than her future.
  12. Human shave 2 types of blood cells: Red blood cells and Yami Gautam blood cells!


(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are postings on social media website. We do not endorse the same.) 


By Amit B

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