12 Signs That You Are From The First Indian Internet Generation!


internet explorer

Growing up in the present day offers an extraordinary wealth of opportunity, information, and connections that just didn’t exist when I was small. The computer scene has just kicked in and most of us shared a desktop with fixed timings at our house or a nearby Internet cafe where we tried really hard to get in.

1. You made your first email address with hilarious names, probably the one which you are too embarrassed to share with others now.

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2. The Internet is my birthright and I will take it! This meant if you had a desktop and an internet connection at home, you continuously fought with your sibling for more internet time.

3. Typing in the address bar for the first time was an amazing feeling. You probably still remember the first site you ever visited and bookmarked.

4. Getting speeds up to 48 kbps was like a dream come true. And today you look back on those times and laugh.


5. You’ve experienced 56k modems, dialup Internet, and signing offline when someone had to use the phone; if the net is connected through the landline.

6. Chat rooms and messengers were always fun. MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, Rediff Bol and ICQ were breeding grounds for all sorts of entertainment. You explored these messengers by sending new emotions, using chat slangs and simply having gala time talking to your pals.

7. You might not have been on MySpace, but you have definitely have written some nice testimonials or scraps on Orkut. It was a kind of favor in return : Please write me a testimonial and I’ll write one for you, k?


8. You probably told your pals about this new thing called Facebook and you were definitely not old enough to sign up. However, you signed up entering a year older to just show off amongst yourselves.

9. And reading your horoscope online was THE thing : Oh! Let me just check if I can marry my crush or maybe if can get lucky to get 5000rs this month.


10. You were looking for gaming or sending messages websites when you stumbled upon OTHER things. You wanted to open games.com, coolgames.com, jokes.com, sms.com when you unintentionally typed playboy.com in your address bar.

11. You spent most of your time finding the right e-greeting cards. I know, it couldn’t get more worst than this.


12. Once you got hooked to the internet, life was never the same again : Who needs a life when you have the Internet?



 – Tanvi Shah


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Smita Singh


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