12 Things You Should Know To Find Out Whether Your Friends Are Genuine Or Fake


real vs fake friends

Friendship is the most amazing thing among anything one can ever have. All the laughs we have together, the long gossips, the secrets shared, and the time spent together, the little fights we have and the endless happiness we share together would be all incomplete without true friends. We all like to make friends and be surrounded by people we love the most, but at times its hard to tell whether you have at least few genuine friends or all of them are just faking it.

  1. True friends will always have your back and will stand up for you through thick and thin. They will always be there for you when you need them and within no time will be there right beside you to help you out. Fake friends will easily sneak out the moment you will be in trouble; there will be there only in your good times.
  2. True friends will listen to you, your thoughts and decisions and support you when you’re right and will respect your decisions. Fake friends will not even bother to listen to you, supporting you is something you can’t even expect from them.
  3. True friends will be honest with you no matter even if the truth may hurt you, they will not lie to you. Fake friends will speak nothing else but lies.
  4. True friends will communicate with you and never make you feel lonely. Fake friends will escape from the conversation and will not like listening to you.
  5. True friends always time for you even if they are busy they will somehow manage to make time for you. Fake friends will always give excuses of being busy.
  6. True friends will love you and keep up the friendship the way you do, make every effort to keep up to you. Fake friends and their friendship is one sided, you out of love keep up to them and they will not make any efforts for you, they will be with you only for their selfish motives.
  7. True friends will stick to the things they say whereas fake friends will not take a second to deny the things that they said.
  8. True friends believe in you and your abilities and will always encouraging and motivate you to something better for yourself. Fake friends will demotivate you in your doings.
  9. True friends will be happy to see you happy in life and will always want a smile on your face. They will be the first one to stand and clap for your achievements. Fake friends will plot ways to ruin your life and get down the smile from your face.
  10. True friends will give importance to you and your friendship with them. Fake friends will not bother about you being in their life.
  11. True friends will always keep your secrets locked deep within them and not disclose them in front of anyone. Fake friends will always be ready to leak out you secrets and backstab you.
  12. True friends will include you in anything that they do, make you a part of their life. Fake friends will exclude you from everything.

A true friend accepts you for what you are without changing a thing in you, if she or he does then it could only be for you betterment. Like any other thing friendship is never perfect, to do not just let go a true friend due to your gut feeling of that friend being unfaithful to you. Remember “life is like a journey some may leave you early while others will be there with you till the end”.  I personally don’t believe in true friends and fake friends, all my friends good or bad are very dear to me and I love them. But it does not matter you have few friends what’s important is that they should be true.

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Daisy Pais


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