12 Useful Tips To Lose Weight You Need To Know


Lose Weight

We all want to loose weight no matter you are fat or thin. Everyone wants perfect figure. But for those who really need to burn some calories here are some tips and even for those who wanting to stay fit


  1. Ensure when you are hungry you do not simply anything but eat healthy stuffs like YOGURT,RAISINS,WHOLE GRAIN CRACKERS,HARD – COOKED EGG. Take acre that you avoid skipping any meals when you skip meals you put on weight rather the reducing.
  2. Drink a lot of water that keeps your body hydrated. You should consume 1.2 liters of water or even more in a day.
  3. Avoid missing your morning Breakfast. It is the first meal of the day and most important one for our body so do not miss it.
  4. Fruits and vegetables should be a part of your daily diet. They contain high fibre and are low in calories and fat which are three essential nutrients in weight loss.
  5. See that you regularly exercise studies show that this ensures weight loss. Maybe a daily walk and some exercise can be started with
  6. Eat food that contains a high amount of fibre as it helps you to feel full always. High fibre is found in foods such as Whole wheat Bread, fruit and vegetables, oats, brown rice and pasta, lentils and peas
  7. Make a habit to read food labels so that you elect healthy stuffs and keep a check on the fats, calories and sugars.
  8. Studies shows that people those who use smaller plates eat less but are satisfied. By suing smaller plates you will gradually get used tope at smaller portions without going hungry. It takes about 20 minutes for the brain to tell the stomach it’s full so at slow and stop eating before you feel full.
  9. Don’t ban any food especially the one you like the most. It will only increase your craving for the food and increase your weight too.
  10. Avoid stocking junk food like chocolates, chips and frizzy drinks at home. Instead stock healthy food such as fruits and vegetables, fruit juice ,oats ,unsalted or sweet popcorns etc
  11. Cut down on alcohol. A glass of wine contains as much a as calorie as a chocolate and then you can imagine what about the other
  12. Plan you weak meal or you may end up eating the same fast food again


The above plan if followed strictly by not cheating yourself which you won’t if you want to burn the extra calories then you wills surely see that you are losing weight and remember everything ahs it’s time and weight loss too takes time. So take it slow.

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